Blood Omen Resurgence
Ideas And Plans
This Page is where i will be including alot of my plans for the project and hopefully get feedback on wether these plans would be interesting or not.
I Have been having quite a few ideas for this remake and if you all like them feel free to let me know in the comments on the home tab. Or if you wish I could perhaps add a chat/comment box here on this page for you to add your opinion, let me know if that interests you.
As alot of the locations in my remake will be bigger I have been toying with the notion of giving Kain his super jump ability he had in BO2, However since Kain is still a fledgling I didn't want to make the game too easy and accessible all at once.
So was thinking of Him having the super jump ability only while he was Wolf form.
I also feel alot of the games boss mechanics should be changed a little. For example mortanius' demon form should do abit more than just vanish into the floor and jump out again.
Nupraptor being a powerful mentalist should probably do abit more than just a little glowing ball light show.
I would love to hear some ideas you all think of on what some of these boss fights could be like.
One thing i have added to my version of the game is the idea of tabs for more offensive options. This would result in more diverse combat options, the most obvious one would ofcourse be one button for a spell the second for an item and the third for form switching. It's your choice you could even just have 3 different spells or items.